Quality Customer Service Produces Life Long Revenue

in Jan 17, 2022

Is your dealership doing everything possible to keep your customers satisfied and returning to your business?  Now, more than ever, your reputation for building relationships and retaining customers may depend on your company’s focus on providing high quality customer service. How is “good customer service” defined? Though there isn’t a simple answer to this question,[…]

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Quality Service Earns Customer Loyalty

in Jan 17, 2022

When it comes to your business, there are key elements for creating customer loyalty. Many businesses fail to analyze the quality of their services. It’s perhaps one of the most essential ingredients to earning and keeping customers. Quality vs Poor Quality Service Customers may love your business and its staff, and continue visiting your well-designed[…]

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Dealership Loyalty Programs Benefitting Everyone Involved

in Dec 30, 2021

There are countless opportunities for participating in customer loyalty programs. When merchants reward their customers for purchasing from them, they gain a positive reputation and endless customer retention. Loyalty programs are powerful customer retention tools, altering consumers’ perspective of  businesses they consider buying from. Well-organized and marketed loyalty programs reveal the value a business offers[…]

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The Key to Modern Customer Loyalty is Convenience

The Key to Modern Customer Loyalty is Convenience

in Dec 27, 2021

Times are changing, and so are consumer desires. What hasn’t changed are the fundamental business practices leading to customer loyalty for hundreds of years. Small shop owners in the early 1900’s kept customers coming back with friendly and familiar customer service. Today, customers seek convenience, above all. That is why businesses work harder to create[…]

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Building Dealership Loyalty, Far and Wide

in Dec 21, 2021

The automotive industry has been in constant flux. New technologies have exploded onto the scene with electric vehicles, autonomous vehicles, and assistive tools. Include the challenges that Covid-19 has created and many dealers have had to adopt a whole new way doing business and that includes new ways to build dealership loyalty. In addition, consumer[…]

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Information is a Powerful Loyalty Tool

in Dec 21, 2021

In today’s retail automotive climate, customers have more access to information than ever before. Quite often, a properly prepared and researched customer comes into the dealership armed with more knowledge than the salesperson. This can cause friction, as the customer often interprets the salesperson as deceptive. But in reality, the salesperson may simply not have[…]

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