Loyalty Countdown #1 – Build Staff Loyalty

in May 04, 2018

It’s a fact: any firm with a high level of customer loyalty has also earned a high level of staff loyalty. It’s darn near impossible to build strong customer loyalty with a staff that is in constant turnover. Why? Because customers buy relationships and familiarity. They want to buy from people who know them and their preferences. The key[…]

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Loyalty Countdown #3 – Know Your Loyalty Stages & Ensure Your Customers Are Moving Through Them

in May 02, 2018

A customer becomes loyal to a company and its products and service on step at a time. By understanding the customer’s current loyalty stage, you can better determine what’s necessary to move that customer to the next level of loyalty. Our “Growing Loyal Customers” system comprises six stages: suspect, prospect, first-time customer, repeat customer, client and[…]

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