Easily Improve Your Dealership’s Customer Loyalty

in Jan 19, 2022

Dealers often wonder what it takes to earn customer loyalty. The answer changes frequently and that is what makes earning loyalty so complicated. But improving dealership customer loyalty may be more tangible than you think. Technology continues to develop and improve, and consumers have more access to information and can diligently compare prices and services.[…]

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The Secret to Earning Customer Loyalty is Honesty

The Secret to Earning Customer Loyalty is Honesty

in Jan 18, 2022

Today, it’s difficult to keep customers’ loyalty. While it may take years to earn loyalty from a single customer, it takes only minutes to lose it. Your dealership may have multiple tactics for creating customer loyalty, from rewards programs to amazing customer service and luxury amenities. But one concept that earns and maintains customer loyalty[…]

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The Key to Modern Customer Loyalty is Convenience

The Key to Modern Customer Loyalty is Convenience

in Dec 27, 2021

Times are changing, and so are consumer desires. What hasn’t changed are the fundamental business practices leading to customer loyalty for hundreds of years. Small shop owners in the early 1900’s kept customers coming back with friendly and familiar customer service. Today, customers seek convenience, above all. That is why businesses work harder to create[…]

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Dealership Loyalty Over The Holidays

in Nov 24, 2020

      It’s beginning to look a lot like the holidays. In retail, that typically means an upsurge in business, even with all the challenges associated with the Covid pandemic. In the automotive industry, the sales department typically finds consumers buying vehicles for their loved ones. And the service department sees an upsurge in[…]

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Ways To Increase Productivity

in Jun 28, 2019

Let’s face it. The car business can be brutal. Many in auto retail find themselves working long hours, under stressful conditions, with hardly any free time to see their families or enjoy other activities.  In our industry, many managers are under a lot of stress. The stress of production can wear a person out– whether that’s sales goals to be met, or service revenue targets. As a[…]

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Communication Helps Increase Productivity

in Jun 21, 2019

In many businesses, it is typically frowned upon when an employee goes over the head of their immediate supervisor, or directly to another department, to get questions answered or problems solved. This easily creates animosity between the employee and their direct supervisor and is frowned upon as it is a failure to follow chain of command. This system of following a hierarchy has been in[…]

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Consumer Attention Spans Are… Declining

in Jun 19, 2019

If you haven’t already noticed, human’s attention spans, in general, are decreasing. A deluge of short soundbites, marketing messages and social media has created a society that simply won’t listen… if you talk too long. Do you have a friend who, when they want to tell you a story, you immediately ask them how long it is? If so, I’m sure you understand. According to[…]

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