Want to Increase Sales? Target Your Current Customers

in Nov 30, 2018

Social Media Examiner recently published an interview with Becky Carroll, author of The Hidden Power Of Your Customers, a book about growing your business by tapping into your current customers. Yes, your current customers.  As small business owners, we often focus on acquiring customers.  The easiest sale, however, is to the ones we already acquired.  Think about it: you[…]

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How E-Mails Can Build Customer Loyalty

in Sep 12, 2018

There are many things that companies can do to earn a customer’s loyalty. However, e-mail marketing isn’t typically high on the list. Consumers get barraged continuously with marketing messages via e-mail. As you go through your in-box, how many do you delete without even reading them in order to get to those you are interested[…]

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Do You Choose Your Customers Or Do They Choose You?

in Aug 24, 2018

I recently read a very thought-provoking article asking this very question; “Is the simple fact that the customer has money enough to make the purchase a determining factor for you?” Too often the customers dealerships try and attract aren’t necessarily the customers they really should be targeting.  According to the article, it’s solely the dealership’s fault.[…]

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