Information is a Powerful Loyalty Tool

in Dec 21, 2021

In today’s retail automotive climate, customers have more access to information than ever before. Quite often, a properly prepared and researched customer comes into the dealership armed with more knowledge than the salesperson. This can cause friction, as the customer often interprets the salesperson as deceptive. But in reality, the salesperson may simply not have[…]

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Customer Acquisition Can Be More Effective When You Spend $0

in Jun 26, 2019

Customer retention is typically much less expensive than customer acquisition. However, with the advent of the internet, consumers are changing.  Now, I’m not saying that your dealership should ditch retention and loyalty strategies – not by a longshot. You need both retention and acquisition to grow. But what if I told you there is a customer acquisition strategy that costs ZERO dollars? Interested? I thought[…]

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Go Fast and Break Things

in May 06, 2019

The title of this blog post originated from a thought-provoking interview with Chad Mitchell, senior director of digital communications at Walmart. In the interview he lays out a philosophy that every industry – especially automotive – should embrace. The main point he makes is that our digital and physical world is evolving at light speed and, the[…]

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