The Key to Modern Customer Loyalty is Convenience

The Key to Modern Customer Loyalty is Convenience

in Dec 27, 2021

Times are changing, and so are consumer desires. What hasn’t changed are the fundamental business practices leading to customer loyalty for hundreds of years. Small shop owners in the early 1900’s kept customers coming back with friendly and familiar customer service. Today, customers seek convenience, above all. That is why businesses work harder to create[…]

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Don’t View Questions as a Weakness

in Jul 24, 2019

A recent article on CustomerThink explains how many companies view requesting customer feedback as a weakness. However, by asking questions you can optimize the results of your CX experience and save money because, sometimes what WE think should improve the customer experience isn’t what the customer wants. If you don’t consult with customers about what THEY think is wrong with the experience, then craft solutions to solve those issues, you can end up like a fortune teller, attempting to read the minds of your customers without really having a[…]

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