The End May Matter More Than The Beginning

in May 29, 2019

The business world – and the automotive industry – has started to see just how important customer experience is to loyalty and retention. New and improved technologies are regularly released that help streamline the buying process and further enhance the customer experience.  However, a customer can have an incredible experience in the beginning – perhaps it starts online then transitions to the store –[…]

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Feedback Is Important; if Interpreted Correctly

in Apr 03, 2019

Customer feedback is important to any business’ growth. That’s why many send out customer satisfaction surveys and managers pay attention to that feedback. However, sometimes the feedback system is faulty or gets misinterpreted to the point of being useless. Take the feedback system Uber used to have. At the end of each trip riders were[…]

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Customers Are “Hooked On a Feeling”

in Apr 01, 2019

In their new book, The Intuitive Customer, authors Colin Shaw and Ryan Hamilton contend that companies that try to fight declining customer satisfaction by lowering prices are going about customer satisfaction the wrong way. Instead, they state that the magic to winning customer loyalty is based on understanding what the customer will do next. An article in MediaPost,[…]

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Lack of Time Can Be Costlier Than You Think

in Mar 15, 2019

Working retail in the auto industry can certainly be taxing. Salespeople work 60-70 hour weeks to make a paycheck. Sales managers do so while also having to manage the sales team, create multiple reports and handle a multitude of tasks — and the service department is just as overloaded. Not surprisingly, frequently the excuse, “there’s[…]

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The ROI of Customer Experience

in Dec 17, 2018

An interesting study conducted by MaritzCX and published on CustomerThink relays how dealers should care about – and invest in – the creation of a better customer experience in their stores. While customer experience can be vague, and in the past has mostly been measured through surveys and CSI scores, MaritzCX conducted a comprehensive study to show[…]

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Empowering Employees to WOW Without Fear

in Jul 13, 2018

The Ritz-Carlton hotel chain has an exciting customer service policy that empowers every employee with $2,000 to satisfy any guest without approval. This isn’t a one-time power but it’s per incident. Some business owners like the general idea but express concerns about providing employees with this much freedom. They worry that employees will either abuse the empowerment[…]

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