Don’t View Questions as a Weakness

in Jul 24, 2019

A recent article on CustomerThink explains how many companies view requesting customer feedback as a weakness. However, by asking questions you can optimize the results of your CX experience and save money because, sometimes what WE think should improve the customer experience isn’t what the customer wants. If you don’t consult with customers about what THEY think is wrong with the experience, then craft solutions to solve those issues, you can end up like a fortune teller, attempting to read the minds of your customers without really having a[…]

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Make Sure Your Customers Complain

in May 24, 2019

An interesting title for a blog, I know. But an article on CustomerThink got me thinking, as it warns businesses they should be concerned if customers are NOT complaining. The reasoning behind this is that if customers aren’t complaining, businesses assume everyone is happy when, in fact, that’s usually not the case. The theory the author posits is[…]

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Feedback Is Important; if Interpreted Correctly

in Apr 03, 2019

Customer feedback is important to any business’ growth. That’s why many send out customer satisfaction surveys and managers pay attention to that feedback. However, sometimes the feedback system is faulty or gets misinterpreted to the point of being useless. Take the feedback system Uber used to have. At the end of each trip riders were[…]

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Win Customer Loyalty One Customer at a Time

in Jan 14, 2019

In today’s environment, consumers demand more personal attention and expect tangible appreciation for their business. Loyalty programs, great customer experiences and expedient solutions to problems are no longer luxuries, but expectations. Every loyal customer seems to have a different reason for why they’ve chosen to be loyal. Perhaps one had a memorable moment, while another[…]

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Why The Best Type of Feedback is Complaints

in Jun 20, 2018

A brilliant and successful businessperson recently shared why he loves his angriest customers. Phil Libin, CEO and co-founder of Evernote, wrote anarticle for Inc. where he explained that customer feedback is essential to the growth of any business. All companies solicit feedback from their customers be it via online or physical surveys, suggestion boxes or some[…]

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