Communication Makes Everything Easier

in Jul 26, 2019

In our fast-paced society, some of the things done just a short time ago to impress and retain customers no longer work. Today, business owners can’t always keep on top of the latest and greatest ways to keep their customers loyal.  However, there is one thing that hasn’t changed much over the years – personal[…]

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Text Communication

in Jun 17, 2019

Texting is by far the most popular form of communication for consumers – especially with younger generations. However, because of the many compliance rules and laws that have to be followed, many dealers are hesitant to adopt text messaging — they simply don’t want to risk it.  Consumers prefer to communicate via text because it’s short, to the point and non-intrusive. Have you ever[…]

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What Is Anticipatory Customer Service?

in Aug 22, 2018

A fascinating article in Forbes shared a concept that is increasingly winning over customers. In the article, the author described what he termed “anticipatory customer service” as “a customer experience that manages to serve even theunexpressed wishes and needs of your customers through the use of technology and automation.” People are busy. A gesture such as an emailed[…]

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