Customer Acquisition Can Be More Effective When You Spend $0

in Jun 26, 2019

Customer retention is typically much less expensive than customer acquisition. However, with the advent of the internet, consumers are changing.  Now, I’m not saying that your dealership should ditch retention and loyalty strategies – not by a longshot. You need both retention and acquisition to grow. But what if I told you there is a customer acquisition strategy that costs ZERO dollars? Interested? I thought[…]

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Own Your Way to Customer Loyalty

in Dec 19, 2018

Earning customer loyalty in today’s society is especially tricky. As almost every retailer now has a loyalty program, it’s difficult to stand out and make your customer truly feel special and appreciated. Earning loyalty isn’t simply about giving something away. It’s about creating and nurturing a relationship that builds a brand advocate who will continue[…]

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Stop Thinking in Third Person

in Aug 10, 2018

Dealerships today are continuously seeking new ways to acquire new customers. Endless services and platforms pop up almost daily that offer businesses new ways to reach out to the world and attract new customers – whether that’s through online media, social media platforms, mobile ads or database mining. The problem is that many businesses concentrate[…]

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