Is 2 Percent Good Enough for You?

in May 17, 2019

Every dealer wants a nice healthy portion of their market share. But what if it was only 2 percent? Would that be good enough? Probably not. Well, according to a recent interview in Automotive News, North American chief for Mazda, Masahiro Moro, thinks it is… However, in the article he states that there’s a difference[…]

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Feedback Is Important; if Interpreted Correctly

in Apr 03, 2019

Customer feedback is important to any business’ growth. That’s why many send out customer satisfaction surveys and managers pay attention to that feedback. However, sometimes the feedback system is faulty or gets misinterpreted to the point of being useless. Take the feedback system Uber used to have. At the end of each trip riders were[…]

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Lack of Time Can Be Costlier Than You Think

in Mar 15, 2019

Working retail in the auto industry can certainly be taxing. Salespeople work 60-70 hour weeks to make a paycheck. Sales managers do so while also having to manage the sales team, create multiple reports and handle a multitude of tasks — and the service department is just as overloaded. Not surprisingly, frequently the excuse, “there’s[…]

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Why The Best Type of Feedback is Complaints

in Jun 20, 2018

A brilliant and successful businessperson recently shared why he loves his angriest customers. Phil Libin, CEO and co-founder of Evernote, wrote anarticle for Inc. where he explained that customer feedback is essential to the growth of any business. All companies solicit feedback from their customers be it via online or physical surveys, suggestion boxes or some[…]

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15 Things Good Loyalty Programs Do To Create Business Growth

in May 11, 2018

Many of the so-called loyalty programs in operation today don’t really develop loyal customers at all; rather, they create “frequent” customers. Loyal customers do more than just visit your business more frequently than other customers; they are your businesses’ best marketing tool and your biggest fans! They want your business to do well, and they ensure that you’re[…]

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