Is Employee Loyalty Killing You?

in Aug 31, 2018

Can efforts to capture customer loyalty be thwarted by employee loyalty? Evidence gathered from top retail groups, including auto dealerships, indicates that employee loyalty directly affects customer loyalty and thus business results. Dealer operators and their managers do their business, their stakeholders and their shareholders disservice when they fail to foster, develop and reward employee engagement. Get this[…]

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Building Up Employees’ Loyalty and Engagement

in Aug 27, 2018

When did you last share with someone important why you enjoy him or her? We’re fast to convey disappointment or dissatisfaction with others, but uplifting the attributes in them we like feels rather strange. Yet when it comes to building loyalty, whether in customers, coworkers or family members, nothing will engage their attention – and draw[…]

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Do You Choose Your Customers Or Do They Choose You?

in Aug 24, 2018

I recently read a very thought-provoking article asking this very question; “Is the simple fact that the customer has money enough to make the purchase a determining factor for you?” Too often the customers dealerships try and attract aren’t necessarily the customers they really should be targeting.  According to the article, it’s solely the dealership’s fault.[…]

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What Is Anticipatory Customer Service?

in Aug 22, 2018

A fascinating article in Forbes shared a concept that is increasingly winning over customers. In the article, the author described what he termed “anticipatory customer service” as “a customer experience that manages to serve even theunexpressed wishes and needs of your customers through the use of technology and automation.” People are busy. A gesture such as an emailed[…]

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Yahoo Bets Big on Customer Loyalty

in Aug 20, 2018

In a recent announcement by Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, it was revealed that Yahoo will soon stop allowing its users to login using their Facebook or Google credentials. This move is an effort by Yahoo to better control its content and services. On the surface, the move makes sense and doesn’t seem as if there would be[…]

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Rewarding the Four Percent: Delta’s New Loyalty Strategy

in Aug 17, 2018

Delta Airlines recently revamped its loyalty program changing how rewards are distributed to its customers.  In an article in Knowledge@Wharton, Peter Fader, Wharton Marketing Professor, applied the concept of customer centricity in reviewing Delta’s current loyalty program. The concept is simply; “the recognition of differences across your customers.” Knowing that 4 percent of Delta’s customers accounted[…]

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Do Loyalty Programs Pay Off?

in Aug 15, 2018

In a world filled with loyalty programs, it’s always interesting when I talk to a dealership that harbors doubts. The cost involved in having a loyalty program is minimal compared to the revenue generated. However, at times it seems as if dealers are intimidated by the effort it would take to administer one. Loyalty program[…]

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