Groupon Rewards Launched in Attempt to Build Customer Loyalty

in Mar 28, 2018

Today Groupon launched the first phases of Groupon Rewards, a new platform that tries to provide businesses with a way to build customer loyalty. Groupon Rewards’ release comes amid concerns from merchants that Groupon customers demonstrate no loyalty to the businesses offering deals. What Groupon Rewards Does: Groupon users who spend a merchant-determined fixed amount (at that same merchant) can earn[…]

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Disney’s Approach to Brand Loyalty

in Mar 26, 2018

Few brands have created worldwide impact as significant as Disney. Just mentioning “Disney” elicits smiles from kids – and kids at heart – in virtually every nation. So how do they do it? Last month the Cincinnati Business Courier hosted a seminar called “Disney’s Approach to Brand Loyalty.” Featuring representatives from the Disney Institute, the seminar highlighted time-tested[…]

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Using Your Loyalty Program to Improve Your Tactical Marketing

in Mar 21, 2018

A good loyalty program consists of much more than simply rewarding your customers’ repeat business. In many ways, the repeat business generated by customer rewards is only scratching the surface of the loyalty and retention benefits available with such a program. A recent article published by ITC Infotech details how businesses can include customer-centric processes in implementing[…]

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The Makings of a Good Reward

in Mar 16, 2018

Every business that has offered a loyalty rewards program has seen a variety of responses to every reward offered. Some rewards are rarely – if ever – redeemed by members, while another reward may seem to be the only reward members want. And while we may switch out unused rewards for others we see as[…]

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Loyalty: So Much More than “Satisfied”

in Mar 14, 2018

The best way to figure out what your customers think of your business is: ask them. Profound, right? Surveying your customers can provide you valuable insight about your products or services that you can only rarely experience for yourself. What are your customers experiencing? How are they responding to recent changes? How are they interacting with your[…]

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5 Tips for Keeping Loyal Customers Loyal

in Mar 09, 2018

In a lagging economy, keeping your loyal customers loyal can become increasingly more challenging, but there is probably no other time when good customer loyalty is more vital to your business. Your loyal customers are your high-value clients, bringing in as much as 80% of your overall sales, according to Pareto’s principle (the 80-20 Rule). These customers will not leave you for your competitors based[…]

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